Here you can find some recommendations of resources on issues facing refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants.
We will continue to update this page with more recommendations and would love to receive some recommendations from YOU!
If you have any suggestions, please email us at
Salusbury World
Books we recommend
The Beekeeper of Aleppo - Christy Lefteri
The Boy at the Back of the Class - Onjali Q Raúf
People Like Us - Hashi Mohamed
The Ungrateful Refugee: What Immigrants Never Tell You - Dina Nayeri
we are all from somewhere else - Ruth Padel
The Lightless Sky - Gulwali Passarlay
This document contains even more book recommendations, for children and adults, from us at Salusbury World!
Films and videos we recommend
Films produced for 20:20 Stories of Moving Lineage (2020) Various directors. This is a film project from Salusbury World, in collaboration with FotoDocument and the London College of Communication.
The films have been created in response to oral histories collected from some of the first 20 children & families to come to Salusbury World 20 years ago.
Moving Worlds - A whole series of films curated for Refugee Week (14 -20 June 2021), produced by CounterPoint Arts, which coordinates Refugee Week nationally.
Storytelling through the eyes of refugees - A UNHCR YouTube channel that features the stories and experiences of a range of refugees.
But everything has an ending - An anthology of digital performances in response to COVID-19. As told by those that have had their lives interrupted before . This is a project from Phosphoros Theatre, a charity that makes socially engaged performance with, for, and by refugees and asylum seekers.
Styx (2018). directed by Wolfgang Fischer. The film depicts the transformation of a strong woman torn from her contented world during a sailing trip. Everything changes when she sees a damaged, overloaded boat full of refugees nearby.
For Sama (2019), directed by Waad Al-Kateab and Edward Watts - see also Action for Sama. This is an intimate and epic journey into the female experience of war and uprising in Aleppo, Syria.
Articles we recommend
The ungrateful refugee: ‘We have no debt to repay' - Dina Nayeri in The Guardian
Facts about refugees - Refugee Action
Refugees, Asylum-seekers and migrants - Amnesty International