One of our visionary founders, Doris Bancroft, sadly died earlier this year. Doris was passionate about many things - her life's work was a quest for equality of human rights for all, most especially those disadvantaged by displacement and conflict.
With her great friend & colleague Carol Munro, supported by staff, parents and governors of Salusbury Primary School, she founded Salusbury World over 20 years ago. Carol and Doris worked tirelessly to ensure that every refugee family that came to the school received a warm welcome from Salusbury World and support with any difficulties they were experiencing.
Doris was a vital part of that warm welcome- volunteering weekly for 17 years in the after school club where her kindness, patience, humour and considerable artistic talent (she always hated glitter!) were what drew so many children in every Tuesday afternoon.
She was a fearless campaigner who championed many individual cases as well as lobbying endlessly for a fairer, humane asylum system. Our hearts are full of sadness but we are consoled by many, many happy memories and the knowledge that her great legacy, Salusbury World is still here working for a better future for refugees in London.