Help refugees NOW!

“I don’t know what could have happened to me, if Salusbury World did not exist.”

Today, Salusbury World has launched a Crowdfunder campaign to raise £60,000 by 1 December. We very much hope that you will feel able to support us.

Refugees and asylum-seekers in Brent need help NOW because they are facing a crisis: overwhelmed by poverty, hunger, homelessness, fear and discrimination.

Asylum contingency hotels in Brent are closing; many people will be forced to leave in the next few weeks with nowhere to go.

We help in times of crisis but our support also continues for as long it’s needed.

We don’t let go. We’re there for the long term.

We get to know everyone and support them to get back on their feet, to recover control of their lives and thrive.

Right now, all our services are overloaded, and we are having to turn away vulnerable people. Help us change this immediately.

Whatever you’re able to give, every pound will make a big difference to a refugee in crisis!