Our Services
Our work is joined up to provide integrated educational, social and practical support.
We run practical, social educational & recreational activities for adults, children, young people and families, supporting them to rebuild hopeful, fulfilling lives in London.

After-school and holiday clubs
We run an after-school club during term-time, and a holiday club during school holidays.
This year, we are running our after-school and holiday club virtually, via Zoom!
Our after-school club is held at Salusbury Primary School, whilst our holiday club takes children all over London. The trips include kayaking, ice skating and climbing , as well as visits to Hampstead Heath and museums like the V&A Museum.
Children play, socialise and express themselves creatively in a nurturing and supportive environment. This helps improve their social and communication skills, confidence and sense of belonging… and they have a lot of fun!

Our mentors provide one-to-one educational guidance and support to refugee and migrant pupils
Mentors help mentees with their schoolwork and related skills. Many also offer advice and practical help around careers and accessing further and higher education.

Advice and advocacy
Our Family Advice Team provides support to refugees and asylum seekers from all over London.
Salusbury World has the AQS advice standard and offers free advice on:
- Housing
- Welfare Benefits
- CVs
- Employment
- Education and other issues relating to the accessing of services.
We also are OISC accredited to level 1 and so can offer free immigration advice
You can contact our advice team via mobile. Please note the advice team are only available on mobile on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
- Lucy: 07415957976
- Alexa: 07732055347
If you would like to refer a client to us, please click here to access our online referral form.

Women's English Classes
Salusbury World provides English (ESOL) classes for parents of children attending our catchment schools led by a qualified ESOL teacher and by enthusiastic volunteers. It is mostly mothers who come to the classes and they speak little or no English.
Our aim is to enable our ESOL students to grow in confidence and to develop language skills to enable engagement with every day use of English. The scenarios covered include, shopping, travelling, medical appointments, parents evenings and common cultural situations. Our ESOL language classes also work hard to break down the sense of isolation that many of the women may be feeling, and we open up conversations about the experience of building a new life in London.
We organise trips in London, helping our ESOL students to feel at home. We also have links with our local cinema, the Lexi, and we organise film outings to develop a sense of community.